Holy Trinity Lutheran
Narberth, PA
Making a difference is a big part of who we are as a congregation. At Holy Trinity, we concentrate on food ministries, but we are always looking for ways to partner with others and support the needs of people in Narberth, Philadelphia, and all around the world!
Grace Lutheran - Mantua
Grace Lutheran is our “sister church,” and we are honored to partner with them and support their various food ministries in the Mantua neighborhood of Philadelphia, often described as a "food desert." Working together, we are a great example of congregations working together getting outside of the four walls of our buildings, being in the community, and finding out what is needed. We are so thankful that when they need extra resources to help serve their community, we can rally our congregation and provide some of those resources. Each Wednesday morning without fail, many pounds of freshly-picked produce from our garden as well as hundreds of pounds of donated food, clothes, toys, and other products are brought to Grace from Holy Trinity. During the height of the pandemic, when food was in specially short supply at Grace's food bank, our congregation supplied thousands of dollars in protein-rich foods and non-perishables. Last but not least, each Thanksgiving, we provide around 300 turkeys for Grace's food bank clients! Our partnership with Grace is one of the most important parts of who we are as a church!
Giving Garden
In the spring of 2014, Holy Trinity decided we could do more to support our community, and we partnered with a wonderful company called Trellis For Tomorrow to build three raised-bed gardens. While Trellis provided us with the know-how and gardening expertise, we also reached out to the Narberth Community to invite any gardening enthusiasts to pitch in if they were interested. Part of the agreement with Trellis is that we donate a majority of our produce to some sort of outreach program. With that, we are so thrilled to send our fresh produce to our sister congregation – Grace Lutheran Church in Mantua. If you have questions or would like to get involved in our Giving Garden, click on the More Info button below to send and email to our team.
Meal Packaging
Back in October 2015, Holy Trinity partnered with our sister congregation to package 21,358 meals – all of which were used to feed hungry people through Grace’s various food ministries in West Philadelphia. It was an incredible day, as over 90 volunteers came together in service and fellowship. After packaging another 20,000 meals with 100+ servants in October 2016, meal packaging events have now become a yearly tradition of faith and love. In 2019, the event was named in loving memory of Barb Grimaldi, a young member of Holy Trinity who had jump-started the ministry four years prior to her death.