Holy Trinity Lutheran
Narberth, PA
Welcome to
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
in person & virtual
worship every sunday at 10:15am
Growing in faith
making a difference
open to all
At Holy Trinity, we are growing in faith, making a difference, and open to all.
You are a child of God and you are welcome here: whatever your faith commitment, experience, or level of doubt, mental or emotional health, physical abilities, financial or employment status, race, ethnicity, or primary language; whatever your gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.
We welcome you whether you are a parent or caregiver; whether you are a fussy baby, an energetic toddler, a ‘tween, or a teen; whether you are an inquisitive young adult, exhausted adult, or wise senior citizen; whether you are single, in a relationship, married, divorced, or widowed; whether you struggle with an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or anything else.
We welcome you however you found us: on the internet, from your neighbor or friend, or passing by our Giving Garden. We welcome those who hurt and those who celebrate, those who worship every week or just this once, and in whatever you choose to wear. We extend a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now.
We welcome you to join us as we grow in faith through worship, study, and friendship. We welcome you as we seek to make a difference through combating food insecurity, ministering with those in need, and committing to racial equity. And we welcome you to help us be fully open to all.
Whoever you are and wherever you are from, you are a child of God and you are welcome here.
Holy Trinity is publicly welcoming and affirming of LGBTQIA+ and other folks who have been marginalized by the Church!